
Featured Property

Clico Housing Development Gem

Local Real Estate

In the last few years the local real estate market has grown exponentially. Not only have local businessmen and developers been building rental properties, but there are quite a number of aged investment real estate for sale. As of 2017, all real estate bought to obtain citizenship in 2012 became eligible for resale. Clients who no longer wanted to be burdened with property that was bought solely for investment and rental returns are now quite actively selling those properties. See our listing below of available local properties for sale and rental.

In the last few years the local real estate market has grown exponentially. Not only have local businessmen and developers been building rental properties, but there are quite a number of aged investment real estate for sale. As of 2017, all real estate bought to obtain citizenship in 2012 became eligible for resale. Clients who no longer wanted to be burdened with property that was bought solely for investment and rental returns are now quite actively selling those properties. See our listing below of available local properties for sale and rental.

Featured Property

Clico Housing Development Gem